Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Sunset


Hello Halloween

Lucy, Elsa Sohie and me had just been to pizza hut for dinner to escape disgusting hostel food and whilst we were sitting nicely eating our pizza like good catholic girls, a chip lands on Elsa's plate. These stupid immature 19 year old boys had thrown it at us in a bid to get our attention, we were like 'nahhhhh bo' and so we threw an entire ice cream (with a cone attached) back at them, mwahahahaha. Then we decided we'd probably better get going as they were staring at us like ' what the hellll'.. so we got up and were standing by the counter getting ready to pay and one of the dudes comes over to us and says ' you b'tches threw an ice cream at us, you want some water?' and pretended to throw it at us. We just looked and laughed and he eventually walked away with his tail between his legs. Hahahaha....
So after pizza hutwe decided we didn't want to go straight back to the hostel, we wanted to go trick or treating! So we got cerise (one of the girls at the hostel who always sneaks us things through the window) to grab us a hostel sheet so two of us could go under the sheet as a two headed ghost, but. We were so stuffed and feeling slightly sick from all the pizza (we reckoned that one of the waitresses at pizza hut had poisoned our pizza since we were making such a mess....) that we just ended up sitting on the grass on our sheet at marian (the little kids catholic school next door to the hostel) and just chilled there for a bit.
When we walked back into the hostel you couldn't wipe the sheepish smile from my face, carrying in the grass stained sheet with thoughts of immature university boys and evil waitresses in my mind.
All in all, a good halloween, although quite different to what I expected.

And, no I'm not in any of these photos.. I'm the awesome photographer :D

Caught Up

Sorry haven't blogged in awhile! Have been so busy as I've got exams in two weeks and have been training for my 12k run coming up on the 15th. So yeah, doesn't leave me much time for catching up!

Some recent pictures of me and my hostel friends :)

Lucy & Me at our 2 person dance party held in my hostel room.

Me & Lucy

Gotta model the new clutch

Me, Sophie N, Jaime, Sophie P. Just hangin' in my lovely hostel room :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009


me and my new spandies, in the hostel bathroom. see the fishie shower curtains? :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

light and sun

went to body shop today and fell in luuuuuurve with the aqua lily eau de toilette, mmmm. smells so fresh and light. it's defianately a summer scent, which is lucky for my change of season :D

friday summary

yay, went to hospice op shop today and got the mintest FLURO SPANDEX! Woooo!try and post them up this weekend. i wonder if i could get away with running in them.. :D

so glad exams are over. although they are only mocks.. so unfortunatley have more in november. ugh.
i need a driving lesson. i've had my learners for almost a year and i stil haven't got my restricted, aaargh, so annoying!

driving is scary.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am now officially 16!!
I am leeegal.
what an achievement!

Happy birthday me. x

Monday, September 7, 2009

Enjoying the first days of spring! Sophie , Me & her juice box.

why? whywhywhy? why??

It's a weekday afternoon, I put on my running shoes and tie my hair back and set off for my afternoonly run.
I'm going well, got my rythym, my muscles are warm and my heads in de-stress mode.
Suddenly a loud, unnattractive car horn toots at me, and i hear a guys obnoxious voice calling out 'YEAAAAAH NIIIIICE!'
Disturbing me from my own lisaland, and totally killing my buzz :/
All I think is, 'yuck, do you not have anything better to do with your time?' while resisting the urge to pull the finger at the idiot.
Seriously, why do guys do that? It so makes me feel gross, and pretty violated. It's especially embarrassing when it happens and I'm running with my dad!
I am so sick of it happening, so now when it happens i start plotting in my head what i would do to them if i was a leader of the world wide feminist association.
I could so send out my army of obedient feminists on orders to chop their dicks off to make them feel some pain!!

i think i just might do that. (!!!!!!)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

another sight of summer!

pink blossom tree in full bloom at school, yeeeaaaah :D

new bargains from good old hospice op shop ;)

t-shirt i can happily say that i made my own! tie dyed it myself, cropped it myself and took up the sleeves my self too. pretty stoked :D

Omg, i didn't realise my fly was open..

Happy Anniversary!

Yay, it's the one week anniversary for my little bloggie :)
Funnily enough, i'll be experiencing my own little 16th anniversiare this sunday! wooooo!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Singers that pull on the heart strings

The best of the 'whisky and dry' voices

Adele Adkins

Gin Wigmore

Broken Daisy Chain

daisy's left over from my over-a-metre-long daisy chain I made yesterday with a friend from the hostel, down by the river. It was such beautiful weather that we felt as if we had to make them to symbolise the start of the new season coming ... hurry up and come summer!

My take on a contrast of the weather right now. It seems as if it can't quite decide wether (haha, get it?) it wants to be summer :) , or winter :( .

-Sun hat, Hospice Op Shop $3
-Beret, Paeroa Main St Op Shop $2

My new tee. $3

I love dan carter, i love (washington) d c, i love detroit city, i love dudes cock?

Serve, Love, Meditate, Realize

Wikipedia defintion: Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness.

I watched a movie about yoga and meditation at school recently, and wow wow wow did it make me feel inspired. As cheesy as this sounds, it opened my mind to the real meaning of meditation. Generally when you think of the word 'meditation' you think of men wrapped up in sheets with shaved heads sitting still in a weird position for a looong time. Well i know that i did. My mind has certainly been changed, i can see why you would want to meditate, and i can almost see the need. Almost. The movie explained that meditating helps you to feel the oneness within your soul and the ablilty to connect with your outer and inner-being while feeling clarity and pureness. Mmmmm.. I think tonight i might try to feel the calming hit that appparently meditation brings about your soul.

When you stop smoking

After 20 minutes your blood pressure returns to normal. After 8 hours the levels of carbon monoxide in your blood are halved After 24 hours your lungs start to clear out debris. After 1-3 months lung function will improve by up to one third. After 5 years your risk of lung cancer will be halved. After 10 years your risk of all smoking related cancers will have reduced to almost normal levels. Even more reasons to quit smoking and less to start.

dreams; noun

visions indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.

dream. dreamer. dreaming.

that's it, that's us and that's what we do.
We live to dream, coz dreams are free. They don't come at a cost and are as confidential as you want you them to be. We continue to publicize them and let them get shattered by less understanding and sympathetic people.
There is no way we can stop them from getting shot down once they are out in the open, but I believe we can prevent it.
Don't let your fantasies become
broken dreams.