Monday, September 7, 2009

why? whywhywhy? why??

It's a weekday afternoon, I put on my running shoes and tie my hair back and set off for my afternoonly run.
I'm going well, got my rythym, my muscles are warm and my heads in de-stress mode.
Suddenly a loud, unnattractive car horn toots at me, and i hear a guys obnoxious voice calling out 'YEAAAAAH NIIIIICE!'
Disturbing me from my own lisaland, and totally killing my buzz :/
All I think is, 'yuck, do you not have anything better to do with your time?' while resisting the urge to pull the finger at the idiot.
Seriously, why do guys do that? It so makes me feel gross, and pretty violated. It's especially embarrassing when it happens and I'm running with my dad!
I am so sick of it happening, so now when it happens i start plotting in my head what i would do to them if i was a leader of the world wide feminist association.
I could so send out my army of obedient feminists on orders to chop their dicks off to make them feel some pain!!

i think i just might do that. (!!!!!!)

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